"No more ryhmes now, I mean it"

"Would anyone like a peanut"

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Different Layers



There are many different layers inserted into the novel.  Each layer would be a different aspect of the story. The layers could be Goldman’s world, Buttercup and Farmboy, The Man in Black and the three criminals to name a few.  Using a graphic organizer, illustrate the order in which the layers are introduced, and by whom.  As the novel progress, demonstrate when the layers become infused with each other. You must have at least 10 different layers of the story.

Graphic Organizer

You must create a graphic organizer that demonstrates the different layers of the novel. Each layer would be a group of characters that do not have knowledge of each other. A layer can be demonstrated by a box with the character's name in it. You will have an arrow connecting one layer to another layer when it is introduced. Eventually, all the layers wind up intertwined. You can create any graphic organizer that you wish, but remember you must demonstrate that the layers start out separate, but eventually become fused with each other. From the new layer, other layers may become introduced. Some layers may come in the middle of the novel (Such as Miricle Max, Fezzik, Inigo)


Different Layers Graphic Organizer Example